How were we? How we were running, doing exercises, and following our schedule with no time spared for a coffee or sauna 🙂
To organize an ultra-trail running camp was an idea which had emerged when I was looking for some camps abroad since I couldn’t find any in Slovakia. My search was probably not comprehensive enough whereas when we went out with our camp, I had found out that such camps had been organized in our country.
We were sitting in the camp near the village of Chamonix, where Majo was running his UTMB race, and, with Priadka, we were preparing our Priadcamp schedule and implementation. The resort has already been chosen and booked. Since Majko moved to the Low Tatras and our camp was about ultra-trail, the Low Tatras run by Majo many times over and over were our first choice.
Our goal was simple: we wanted everybody feeling and running well, learning something and surely having some wellness.
Before the camp, we have contacted some of Majo’s and other partners for cooperation to allow the runners to test nutrition, regeneration, equipment, and accessories.
It is beyond doubt that running shoes are the most essential equipment of every runner. Salomon running shoes: the Sansport store provided us three types of trail shoes in the very compliance with the sizes submitted by the runners. Matej “Šibi” Schieber introduced to us products made by Dynafit and brought here not only running shoes, but also running poles and backpacks. Matej was also our trainer during the camp who brought us new running challenges, experience, and professional knowledge. Being already a consistent part of ultra-trail running, Majko brought us his experience from that many of his trainings and races. Within our common running ramble across the Slovak mountains during the camp and evening talks in the bar, every participant was enchanted by his life, approach, and running experience.
Kemp zaÄŤĂnal vo štvrtok veÄŤer prĂchodom beĹľcov do hotela Repiská. Hotel sme vybrali zámerne pre jeho krásnu polohu mimo cesty s vynikajĂşcimi moĹľnosĹĄami rĂ´znych beĹľeckĂ˝ch tratĂ priamo od hotela. Jednou z našich podmienok bol aj wellness. ÄŚo viac uvoÄľnĂ svaly po vĂ˝kone a zregeneruje celĂ© telo ako horĂşca sauna a bazĂ©n? Ĺ ibi priniesol aj regeneraÄŤnĂ© nohavice, ktorĂ© si účastnĂci poÄŤas veÄŤernĂ˝ch prednášok dosĹĄ striedali, tak snáď im to pomáhalo.
After the arrival on Thursday and our first dinner with packages prepared for the runners in their rooms, we introduced to each other. Every runner told us how he/she had got here and what were his/her expectations and running experience. The introduction was followed by a Petzl’s presentation. The company’s history, vision, and development, as well as correct selection of a head lamp made us busy for almost one hour and we could hardly wait to test a head lamp in the field.Â
Our first evening run at the Running Camp could start. We made a short circle of about 8km and went to our rooms. Some runners had some small talk and got familiar more closely with each other in the bar.Â
After the morning yoga and rich breakfast, we set out for our trail run. We formed several performance groups and run into the woods. The goal was clear: to conquer Chopok (2,023.6m above the sea level). The weather seemed to be “fifty-fifty”. Water-proof jackets and mandatory equipment as a requirement having been sent to the camp participants were ignored by no one but the trainers. Just below the ridge, a heavy rain and wind blowing started and cold was trapped between muscles and bones. Therefore, some runners gave up, but the brave fools did not stop climbing the hill to continue along the ridge. The fog and strong wind forced all the remaining runners to the hut of Kamienka where embracing the hot stove and sipping tea were the only things making our lives meaningful. A clear vision of sauna was pushing us forward. Once returned, we consumed all the hot water in the entire hotel. The schedule was nearly over and there was no time left for wellness there.  So, we, sad and hypothermic, were nothing left to do just warm up by exercises in Liptov Sport Institute where excellent exercises for strengthening our bodies, improving our mobility, stretching, and rolling were prepared for us. I’ve learned many things about my body but, first of all, I’ve found out what my reserves were and how such exercises could help my running to be even healthier and more efficient. Since all of us were pretty weary, we, completely destroyed, skipped the lecture of Šibi’s and mine about running trainings; after the dinner, everybody would fall asleep during it anyway.
The Saturday morning was informed by a long running circuit towards Ďumbier (2,045.9 m above the sea level). Prior to the breakfast, we were perfectly tortured by Veronika’s pilates exercises and our finding that it’s still a lot to improve did not boost our self-confidence either. Up to their performance levels, the runners were leaving the main group after one another heading back to the hotel. The wellness was scheduled for today and this time we had to succeed otherwise money for the camp would have to be paid back. A small group of runners reached the peak as planned. Thanks to the weather, we could enjoy beautiful views, fog, and clouds followed by the wind and sun. After running down from Ďumbier at a racing pace, some of us went straight to sauna even without putting off their running shoes and backpacks.
In the Saturday evening, we first coped with some technical issues and then a lecture of the nutrition consultant Mgr. Martin ÄŚupka started. We have learned something about proper nutrition, regeneration by food, and proper body filling during long ultra-trail races. Nutrition supplements made by Kompava, a camp partner, could be tested on our own stomachs during the whole stay.
The Sunday morning pilates were just the last training line of the camp. A long Sunday run proposed by the trainers was brushed aside by a definite voting of participants to the camp. The next item of the programme was a short run with the lecture of Ĺ ibi’s and mine about trainings.Â
We were hoping that this part of our schedule would be forgotten, but we were wrong. It was allegedly also one of the reasons why the runners came to the camp. We’ve distributed presents and assessed the camp and as its organizers, we have written both its positives and negatives to improve ourselves. After saying goodbye, each of us took his/her own way back to the civilization.
Will there be any other camp there?
For sure. Yes, it makes sense. There are two open sessions in 2025 when April turns to May, we have incorporated changes, and bring some news.
As for me, my evaluation of the camp is very positive, it has showed me the way, that we are people who like meeting each other, spending time together, and sharing emotions. Emotions for sports and living, both positive and negative. Obstacles during our exercises or running were easily overcome with humour. Despite our age limits, various occupations, different approaches to our lives, and various life-time experience, runners of the group taking part on the Camp 2024 suited to one another from the very first evening and there was not one moment when I would feel that we shouldn’t be here together.
That’s why I’m wishing all of you many happy returns. Enjoy running and take it with humour and easiness. The goal and even the way do not matter. What does matter are the people we meet on that way.